Thursday, October 05, 2006

Amnesty's monkeys

We've just finished a 2 min. shortfilm for Amnesty International's forthcoming SECRET POLICEMAN'S BALL. It stars the See No-, Hear No- and Speak No Evil monkeys in a James Bond style storyline. (obviously we wanted to call it 'Monkeypussy' but strangely enough that idea got scrapped) Jo Brand did the voice and the script was written by Robin Ince.
It's the first time Tandem's directors Nick and Jeroen collaborated and thanks to some technical wizardry from Chris Gavin and Mike Cook, the film was finished in record time we're all really happy with the result.
The Secret Policeman's Ball will be held at The Royal Albert Hall on october the 14th. As far as we know, tickets have been sold all ready. But don't despair, Channel 4 will broadcast the event a week later on october the 22nd.


Jeroen said...

Why do I get the pink colour?!

Jeroen said...

Goh, that red is a bit aggressive, init?